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I’m Sorry I Can’t Blame You!
Life can be very challenging at times. Our ego can be very fragile and easily offended. It doesn’t take much for the self-righteous anger of our ego to appear. The function of our ego is to protect us at all costs. The difficulty we have is that if we are always driven by our ego […]
The Mindful Leadership Approach to Building an Empowered Organization
Step 1: Hold a series of one-to-one conversations with each of your team members until there is total alignment on Performance Expectations. This step is crucial to successful empowerment. There needs to be total alignment between you and each of your team members in terms of what an outstanding performance from each team members looks […]
Why Invest in Mindful Leadership
Mindfulness has gained a lot of popularity over the past number of years and, for many, the term conjures up images of sitting in silence, dressed in robes on a mountain top with eyes closed and chanting a mantra. While this is one expression of Mindfulness, there is another version that many more people, especially […]
Active Listening … A Core Skill of Mindful Leaders
It is generally accepted that there are three levels of listening. Level 1 is where it looks like we are listening to the other person but we are really listening to the commentary that is taking place within our own head. The commentary can include judgements on what we are hearing or it may contain […]